
Monday, March 21, 2011

remember when i used to blog...

remember when i used to blog....

i have found my life a little busier since my last post in july of 2010. i have been working part-time and have two children in school. i am sitting on a stability ball in a half empty office because i decided to re-due this space, but now wishing i hadn't. why i give myself more work to do is beyond me.

one thing i do know is while i was blogging i was reading more, learning more, searching more, and sharing more. i think it is about time i start taking more pictures and looking up more scriptures.

if anyone is still reading this...i'm back!

here is my inspiration for my office/kid's entertainment room...or as cari has named it...the art room or as i call it my mom-cave!

we will see how it turns out...