
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

keepsake ornaments don't all come from hallmark

i hate it that i haven't got to blog since thanksgiving, 
but all my free time was geared towards completing my on-line defensive driving. thank the lord it is done!!! I'll never speed again ;)

after thanksgiving, like most people, we put our tree up and other christmas decorations.

now, i drool over big, fancy, over decorated trees and aspire to own one at some point in my life, but
for now ours is a little hokey and we love it! 

the tree itself is special to me because it belonged to my memaw who passed away 2 years ago from cancer. she loved christmas and i loved going to her house every year to see how she would decorate it. i enjoyed spending special time with her and unwrapping the awesome gifts she always had under her tree. i think of her a lot especially at christmas. her birthday is even in december. i do miss her dearly.

i am not much of a dedicated "scrapbooker", but our tree serves as one huge scrapbook in many ways. i am very sentimental and it is hard for me to get rid of anything that triggers a fond memory. as a result, i have a growing collection of ornaments that i cherish very much.

i end up staring at our tree many times during the holidays and remember the little things from the years prior. all the memories that i love are represented by very special unique ornaments that adorn our tree every year. many are handmade by our children or picked out individually.

the star at the top of our tree is 11 years old and topped our first tree as a married couple.

each year my mother-in-law gets the girls an ornament and camille collects snowmen.

my memory of christmastime in the 80's includes clothespin reindeer and puff paint sweatshirts.

 this piano was given to camille at her very first christmas piano recital by our dear friends.

last year, camille picked this hannah montana ornament out and this year she is embarrassed by it which then makes me love it even more ;)

(we also keep real candy canes on the tree for the kids and don't let that popcorn garland fool you. 
it is fake. have you ever tried making is impossible!)

 my mother-in-law got this ugly thing for my husband and i several years ago. 
(two peas in a pod) it makes me smile and i love it ;)

do i really have to explain this one...our love for starbucks runs deep.

 remember these...when you squeeze it's cheeks it will give you a kiss (hersey kiss).

this is cute...a sweet memory of my husband's childhood.

this was carigan's ornament from last year in kindergarten.

my mother-in-law gets carigan an animal every year and this was this year's choice.

my husband plays the drums so we needed one of these.

here is my husband as a reindeer putting up lights and drinking coffee.

this was for the year carigan played t-ball.

this is me as a reindeer. i make tons of cookies during the holidays.

this was when camille was in ballet at age 3.

this was carigan's pick last year. she loves drawing and doing art.

obviously there are a ton more and many are made of paper or are pictures of our family.

so, there you have it. a trip around memory lane on my sentimental christmas tree.

it's nothing fancy, but i just don't do fancy right now. i prefer the imperfect tree that the kids can touch and help decorate. it's a tree full of memories and christmas just isn't the same without it. 

which ornaments brings you the best memories?

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading about all these special ornaments. When our daughter was born hubby's best friend's wife said she wanted to start a tradition with our kids. She said when she was growing up her parents best friend's got her an ornament every year. Then when she was an adult and moved out she had a whole box of Christmas ornaments to take with her. Each dated with the year somewhere on it. So now Madeline and James each have their own boxes of ornaments - they love to put them on the tree every year. And our friends now have 2 kids of their own, so I started the same tradition for them. I'll have to take a pic of some of them and post about it.

    Great post!
