
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

electric shock therapy

recently i have had to take some serious action and
restart my exercise and diet routine.

i had to get the defibrillator out...
grease the paddles...
yell, "clear!"...
and jolt it back to life.

it had petty much flat lined over the summer.

but, we are finally getting back into
a normal rhythm again.

the defibrillator of my choice was the...
30-day shred.
 i hate it, it hurts, buts it's necessary sometimes.
just like any defibrillator...
there are risks involved such as: 
skin burns, fluid in the lungs, heart attack, stroke, 
or even death, though that is very rare.
Various studies have reported that it is, however, over 90 percent effective.
Success has been shown to be enhanced when patients are on (an antiarrhythmic drug beforehand) or in my case a healthy diet, which helps prevent reverting back to (afib) or in my case...overweight.

so there you have it!
i have managed through the soreness, pain, and discomfort
all for the greater good of my health.


  1. Good for you! I'm in the same boat! With the kids starting school next week and hubby being home in the evenings, I'll be able to jog in the evenings once again. I also have a biggest loser 30 day workout video that I want to do too.

  2. :) You go, girl! (p.s. I got your message - sorry I missed Sunday! We both overslept but Cory is just able to get ready in 3 minutes whereas I am NOT! ;)
