
Thursday, June 7, 2012

tomorrow is the big day...

i have started a pile of movies to watch...

i put my favorite sheets on the bed...

i stocked piled pudding, jell-o, ice cream, yogurt...

i am bringing ice packs home from work...

i have read more information than i would have liked to...
(pausing several times to put my head down so i would not faint)

i have banned straws from the house...

i have my person to take me and stay with me (chad of course)...

my kids are staying with my trusty parents-in-law...

started a prayer chain for my recovery...

because tomorrow is the big day!

i get my wisdom pulled, cut, broken, yanked...(and anything else painful sounding) 
out of my head... wisdom teeth that is!

i will be out of the "office" for awhile and will try and check in when i can.

good by sweet blogger world...keep me in your prayers ;)


1 comment:

  1. Ah try not to worry too much. I got mine pulled in high school and they were impacted. I remember being so emotional after the procedure and when I came to. And my whole mouth was so numb. Stephen had his pulled a month after we got married. They didn't put him to sleep but he did fine.

    You'll be fine. Praying for a smooth procedure and speedy recovery!!!
