
Thursday, February 2, 2012

a father's blessing

i have noticed something very interesting in my daily bible reading.

i have been reading a lot in genesis and it has reminded me of the power of a father's blessing over his children.

it seems whatever he said, good or bad, happened. there was no taking it back. when the father decided to declare his blessing over his children, it was a one time thing and the children knew it. they sometimes even fought over the father's blessing.

fathers have a huge impact on a child's life. their words are important and sometimes even life changing. their involvement alone is much needed. they serve a very important role in our lives.
but i am also reading in matthew. i see how jesus would only prophesy good blessings over people. he spoke life into them. he healed them. he had compassion over them. he multiplied what they had. he taught them important life lessons. he spent time with them. he was the perfect father.
our dads will always fall short in comparison to jesus, but a father who can teach their child about jesus is about as valuable as a father can get.

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