
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

33 facts, to be exact, about my husband, chad

  1. we met one another when we were 12 years old.
  2. he can remember exactly what i was wearing the first time he laid eyes on me, but he can not remember what i told him 20 minutes ago.
  3. he used to rock the "wave" hairstyle and rolled his t-shirt sleeves.
  4. he has told me every single embarrassing thing he has ever done in his whole entire life.
  5. he is nerdy-smart and that only makes him more attractive to me.
  6. he makes me laugh every single day even when life is tough.
  7. we met at church and still meet at church every sunday.
  8. he is the best drummer i have ever known or will know.
  9. he has the "jimmy legs" at night and it drives me crazy!
  10.  we used to exchange handwritten letters every week.
  11. our parents both found our secret letters and read them...which then lead to groundings. on a side note...never hide personal letters from your mother in your saxophone case because she will sniff them out, read them, and highlight embarrassing parts to later talk with you about.
  12. i like all his friends and always have. (especially tim and bryan : )
  13. he is never cruel to anyone and the most annoying person will feel special around him.
  14. he can talk like donald duck, which is only one reason he is so popular with the kids.
  15. he got me as his girlfriend on his 16th birthday..."your welcome!"
  16. he makes me feel lovely and beautiful every single day, especially on my "bad hair" days.
  17. he always takes the trash out.
  18. he woke me up on my 29th birthday singing me a song he wrote that made us both gift ever!
  19. he has never given up on me and i know he never will.
  20. he thinks he still has blond hair even though his kids think it's black.
  21. he is the "funnest" dad to our two girls and they think he hung the moon!
  22. he makes his parents and my parents proud continuously.
  23. he is great at his job and loves what he does.
  24. he is some kind of spelling genius...and it annoys me!
  25. he loves video games, games on his phone, and board games...he pretty much likes all games.
  26. his favorite color is green.
  27. he makes great salsa and enjoys eating salsa and matter what time of the day it is.
  28. he is shorter than this older brother.
  29. he doesn't like to kill animals.
  30. he has the cutest lines around his mouth that i have always loved.
  31. he likes it when i tap on his eye glasses the way i did when we were teenagers.
  32. he brings me a cup of water every night before we go to bed.
  33. today he turns 33 years old making it 17 years that we have been "boyfriend and girlfriend."
i love you chad, shad, chad-a-burger, honeydew-melon, chaddy, sweetheart, babe!
happy "as old as jesus" birthday!
and sorry for any and all misspellings you  found... :)


  1. What a sweet tribute to your hubby. Happy birthday Chad!

    Whoa #27 sounds exactly like my hubby. He makes the Pioneer Woman salsa recipe every week, and can eat salsa and chips 24/7!

    1. We need to get together sometime and try their recipes :)

  2. Thanks, Baby!!! I love you!!!!

  3. 'as old as Jesus' - that made me laugh :) Happy birthday, Chad!
