
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Week 5 - Don't waste it!

We were doing a weekly devotion with our children last night during dinner, and I thought it would be great to share.

The theme was not being wasteful, and I purposely chose it for my littlest daughter who is a fussy eater. Unfortunately, she must have got it from me because I certainly can relate to only wanting to cheese and chocolate for all my meals.

Aside from being encouraged to not waste food, we thought of other ways we could use all that God gives us and that got me to thinking about all that we have. I began to feel so grateful!

That evening at dinner my youngest little girl ate all of her dinner. It was something she had never eaten before which makes it even more amazing! I was very proud of her because she did it all on her begging or bribing!!!

We can apply this same attitude towards anything else in our lives. Don't waste your days away. Don't waste your time. Don't waste your God given talents and gifts. Use what you have and be thankful for all the many wonderful things that God has given you!

Found the plant at the Sweet Berry Farm and wanted to steal it and the aqua pot, but felt it would be frowned upon. So, I took a picture of it instead.

These are Cari's hands after bringing me every flower she could find. She later brought me some leaves as well. I'm so loved...

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