
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Week 2 - The heart of a woman

The Heart of a Woman

I have started reading "Queen of the Castle" this year, and so far I have really enjoyed it! She encourages women to love their role in their home.

Something that stood out to me when reading this last night was the comparison of a woman's home with their own unique gifts and personality. Every woman's home is different in design just as we are. We should not waste time trying to compare and measure up to one another. Each one of our homes will be different as well, but one thing I do enjoy is getting inspired by other women and their homes. I find inspiration in God given gifts that are so beautifully decorated in every woman's heart.

I have stacks of magazines that I get in the mail from Pottery Barn. I spend hours looking at the creative ways the rooms are put together and wish I could copy it exactly. If I am not careful, I can get bummed out that my house is not as furnished as the pictures. I can lose site of what a home really is.

People are not perfect and neither are homes. They get messy, have different smells, need cleaning, and are not always put together just right...but they are warm and cozy, full of memories, and have unique charm and style. A home is shelter. A home brings people together. A home is the heart of every woman.

This week, think about what your gifts are and how they show up in your home. Know that each of our homes should reflect us and not all look the same. Find something that you love about your home and yourself!

There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. (I Corinthians 12:4-6)

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