
Thursday, October 6, 2011

if the shoes fits, WEAR IT!

just when i think i got this "mothering thang" down...
i find myself piggin out on an extra large peice of humble pie!

this morning started out busy even before i even woke up.
there was a lot going on at work today, which required that i be there early. the crockpot needed to be filled so that we would actually eat dinner at a decent hour. the kids needed to be dropped off at school on time!

the kids were already in the car when i got in, so, off we went.

i was dragging this morning because we stayed up late rearranging the garage after recently receiving a lot of new/old items from family members. when we finally got to bed, the garage had received a little botox treatment and it was looking good.

arriving at the school, not a minute too early and not a minute too late, my youngest child had a little surprise for me. i hear her say, "mommy, i'm sorry. i'm so sorry." i open her door to let her out and ask her why she was so sorry when i quickly found out for myself.

"i forgot my shoes." she was standing there, still in the car, with her backpack on her shoulder, and looking at me like she didn't know what to do.

to be honest, i didn't know what to do either. i quickly checked the back to see if any flip-flops were still remaining from my emergency bag i kept durning the summer, but i only found a ridiculously large pair that belong to my husband.

so, i tell her to come on inside. she follows me in the parking lot into her school wearing her crisp, clean white socks. immeadiately, as we enter the building, a friend points out the obvious and asks her where her shoes are. we walk up stairs to her teacher's room, aka my bestfriend, and we reveal the excitement of the morning.

she was talking with another staff member and they both start giggling and wondering how something like this could happen. i explained that we park in the garage and sometimes they grab their shoes in a hurry and put them on in the car. with all the rearranging, she must have forgot to look for them.

her teacher is amazing and assures me that she will be fine. she tells me that it will fun and she will have the rest of the class take their shoes off too.

i had to make a split decision. should i rush to work and get important business things done or rush to walmart to get shoes for my daughter. i chose the latter. even though i know that my kiddo is cool enough to pull this off, her little brave face was too much of a heartbreak! plus, what's the point of me wearing my tom's if i am willing to let my own child go shoeless!

*walmart side note*
did anyone know that the shoes are located at the very back of the store and when you are in a mad hurry, the check out person for the "20 items or less" lane is the slowest human on the face of the earth!

anyway, i was feeling good about myself after the recent post regarding the shot party, but that is all out the window after this incodent today. cari always has a way of making me humble. i am back to barely making it, but completely enjoying the moments i have with my girls. this one is going down in the books as one of my favorite crazy mornings ever! ;)

my only regret during all of this is not getting one picture!

1 comment:

  1. Both of you will look back on this story and giggle about it. :)
