
Friday, March 2, 2012

ipod conundrum

my oldest daughter is 9 years old.

every girl in her class got an ipod for christmas, except her.

she is always this kid! 
(her parents are a little strict)

she attends a small private school and has 3 other girls in her 3rd grade class. 
(3 out of 4 have an ipod) the 4th grade girls are also loaded with them!

i felt she was too young to get something like that.
i didn't like the idea of her having access to the internet or texting 24/7.

as a result, all her girlfriends are exchanging #'s and she feels left out.


so, i have offered her my iphone to text on. 

as a result, she keeps getting more and more friends contacting her.

friends are sharing "her" or MY #.

i think i am about ready to cave about the ipod situation.

i gave in and told her she could save up her money and buy one.
 (knowing that might take awhile :)

she now has $30 saved up and looking to make more.

she has stopped looking in the justice magazines 
and deciding not to buy much at target.

she is a girl with a mission.

she is looking for work. planning a lemonade stand. 
she already cleaned my baseboards, blinds, and windows for a few bucks.

what is happening? she is trying to grow up too fast!!!

does your child have an ipod or how do you stand on the topic?


  1. I don't like the idea of our kids having access to the internet whenever they want. The texting I don't think is as big of a deal. When we switched to Verizon instead of keeping our home line we just switched our home number to a 3rd cell (same price as a home line and the touch screen phone was free). So we told Madeline this cell will be her phone to take on certain occasions that we are not with her and want her to have a phone...BUT it was not going to be a phone she would carry around all the time or even bring to school. She's too young for that, and I'm hoping to wait until high school until the kids carry a phone 24/7. Madeline likes to send Stephen and I text messages and picture/video texts. She likes to take pics and videos with the phone while we are at home. But that's the extent of her usage. If you got Cami an iPod, could you control the internet usage? That's the only concern I would have. And ya the price is a big deal too...we're pretty strict with our kids too and don't feel it necessary to buy them lavish/expensive toys, gadgets, etc. I think it's good you are having Cami save her own money for one. Our kids definitely need to learn the value of money and the concept of saving far more than they need to have the latest gadget or phone that "everyone" else seems to have. That's my two cents. ;)

    1. thanks, melissa! It is nice to know that there are other mothers out there that think like i do. you had some great ideas. i still think cami has a lot to learn about phone etiquette. during my post, she sent way too many text messages to her friends. she has a history of over doing it. i think she has just proved to me that she is not ready to freely text on her own. i wouldn't have known that without monitoring her. it is funny the things we have to teach our children these days :)not to mention a boy just called my phone asking for her. i made sure he knew she does not take calls from boys!
